Co Mai's Vietnamese Yogurt
Prep time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 8 hours (3 days)
Makes 10 servings
- Electric yogurt maker (warmer) - Alternative: oven and glass oven dish
- Stove
- Pot
- Strainer
- Fine strainer or cheesecloth
- Large mixing bowl
- 1 cup plain yogurt
- 1/2 can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 liter milk (whole or 2%)
- Pour 1 liter of milk and condensed milk (1/2 can) into a large pot
- Warm on medium heat on the stove until the condensed milk is melted and the mixture is lukewarm (NOT boiling)
- Take off the heat and let it cool to room temperature
- Mix in 1 cup of plain yogurt to the cooled mixture (if warm, it will kill the yeast)
- Using the large strainer, strain the mixture into a large bowl. Repeat a second time with the fine strainer (or a cheesecloth in the large strainer).
- Pour into containers and place into the yogurt maker for 8 hours. If you do not have an electric yogurt maker, you can place them into a glass oven dish filled with warm water into the oven.
- After 8 hours, place the yogurt into the fridge for 2 days.
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