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Below are a list of tools within the website to help you get more out of your experience.
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If you have any further questions about how to use the website and all of its capabilities, please comment below. Check back here for new features and tools!

You can search all of the recipes on the website using the search bar in the sidebar. Just type in your search query and the matching results will be returned to you.

To email a recipe to yourself or someone else, scroll down to the bottom of any recipe and click on the "Email this recipe" link. This should open up a "New email" window in your computer's default mail client (if Gmail is your preferred email client -- see here).

The subject of the email is the name of the recipe, and the body contains a link to the recipe's "permanent link" page.

To print a recipe, make sure you are on the recipe's "permanent link" page. That is, you are on the page for that recipe only. To get here, just click on the recipe's main title (in red) from the blog.

Once here, scroll down to the bottom of the recipe and you should now see a link that says "Print this recipe". Click on it and you should have a printer-friendly version of the recipe, without the images. Remember, you must be on the recipe's page where this recipe is the only one listed, not the blog's main page which multiple recipes per page.

You can explore the recipes on this website in many ways, including by chef, (main) ingredient, or difficulty of preparation. Each recipe has one or more labels. Scroll to the bottom of the recipe and you will see a list of all the labels for this recipe. Clicking on one of the labels runs a search for that label and will bring up all of the other recipes that are also given that label.

Check out the sections in the sidebar for the list of current labels and links to view them. Here, you can also see a running count for each of the labels in the entire scope of the website.

You can subscribe to automatically receive notification of a new recipe or comment on the website either by email or with via RSS. This way, you can stay up to date on new recipes and comments without leaving your inbox! 

To subscribe via email, type your email address in the box in the sidebar and click "Subscribe".

Using an RSS reader (such as Google reader), you can choose to be notified of new recipes and/or comments. You can also subscribe to the posts as "atoms". 
Alternatively, if your reader asks you for an address of the feed you want to subscribe to, you can enter either
